Church Designated Funds

The Church Designated Fund allows the church (or other UPCI endorsed Ministry) to set up a fund to which either the church or its donors may make direct contributions.  This is helpful to your donors who may wish to make an anonymous gift, and helpful to churches not equipped to accept gifts of appreciated assets.  Donations may be in the form of cash or appreciated assets (typically stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate).  The church then controls the distributions from this fund, within the parameters which they have already specified in the agreement document.  This designation may be very general (e.g. to fund church ministry) or very specific (e.g. to fund my churchs building program)...more

Once your Church Designated Fund is set up, the Foundation will handle the administration, which includes quarterly statements of the activity in the account.  We will work with you to establish an investment strategy that is consistent with your churchs needs and preferred investment style.

We believe that this program will prove to be particularly useful and beneficial, and we look forward to the opportunity to serve churches and other endorsed UPCI ministries in this manner.

If you would like for someone to contact you regarding establishing a Church Designated Fund, please email us by clicking on the following link