Charitable Gift Annuities
The Gift That Gives Back
A fixed payment for life and a gift to UPF.
What is a Charitable Gift Annuity?
A Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) is a contractual agreement whereby a donor makes an irrevocable contribution of capital in exchange for guaranteed payments for life (or the life of another person) at a specified rate. This is a safe investment, payments are fixed for life and, depending on age, a major portion of the income may be tax free. The minimum amount required to open a Charitable Gift Annuity is $5,000 or more.
Benefits of a CGA:
- Immediate Tax Deductions. Because the gift is an irrevocable gift you generally qualify for an immediate tax deduction for your contributions into your CGA. The assets used to fund the gift annuity are typically removed from your estate therefore avoiding estate tax.
- Income payments. A CGA produces an income stream for life with rates generally higher than CDs. A portion of the income is tax-free.
- Flexibility. CGAs are an extremely flexible way to make a gift. You can choose to name another person (typically your spouse, parent, sibling) to receive payments with you, instead of you, or following your lifetime. You can choose to receive your payments quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. CGA payouts can be immediate or deferred.
- Christian Values. In establishing a charitable gift annuity through the UPF, you can rest assured that your gift will ultimately be directed to ministries and charities that operate in accordance with United Pentecostal values.
- Impact. You can make a significant gift to the work of the Kingdom!