Global Missions Endowments


The Global Missions Administrative Endowment is to permanently fund the administrative costs to operate the Global Missions Division, thus reducing the amount contributed from missionary accounts. The goal is to eventually have enough in this endowment to totally pay for administration without any contributions from missionary accounts, thus reducing deputation travel for every missionary and speed their return to the field. This is a permanently restricted fund with five percent (5%) distributed from the endowment each year for GMD administrative expenses.


The Open Door Endowment is to respond quickly to a door of opportunity to send missionaries to countries and regions that need immediate funding. Rather than having to appoint personnel and send them on extended deputation, key individuals can be placed on location immediately while appointing and funding long-term missionaries. There are several fields that are closed to resident missionaries that could open in the future. We need to be ready to respond when the Lord opens these doors. Funds are temporarily restricted and distributions of principal and interest can be used only when authorized by the Global Missions administration.


The Compassion Endowment has been established to have funds available to respond immediately when confronted with a disaster or emergency needs. These endowment funds are temporarily restricted, and distributions of principal and interest will be authorized only by the Global Missions administration.


The goal of Global Missions is to evangelize the world. To accomplish this, there are two parts: Go preach and teach. Along with evangelism, new converts must be taught and developed for ministry and leadership. Missionary accounts are dedicated to funding evangelism and training, but it is not enough. This endowment is established to subsidize evangelism and overseas training. These endowment funds are temporarily restricted, and distributions of principal and interest will be authorized only by the Global Missions administration.


The Global Missions Bible Fund has been established to provide support for the mission of Global Missions of United Pentecostal Church International.  It is specified for:

  • Instructors completing a prescribed faculty development program
  • Graduates of our Bible colleges
  • Students in our Bible colleges
  • Students or participants completing a UPCI seminar or distance education program


If you are interested in making a contribution, please contact Stephen M. Drury by phone @ 636-229-7976 or email @, or visit our giving site.